152.6 Relations[//]

The fourth part of AFO 151 is Relations. Relations deals with the link that can be made between various records in the same database.

Contrary to bibliographic records there is only a small set of possible relations for authority records. For the SmartAuthorities format this is only for see and see-also references.

Relations are always reciprocal. When you create a reference to another record the reciprocal relation is created automatically in that record.

Cars see also automobiles: Both terms may be used. When you create the relation for cars, a reciprocal reference from automobiles to cars is made.

Automobiles see cars: Cars is the preferred term. When you create a see reference with automobiles, a see from reference will be created for cars.

Cars see from automobiles: Cars is the preferred term. When you create a see from reference with cars, a see reference will be created from automobiles.

·                     Document control - Change History




Change description



May 2008




April 2010

new options for indexes; general overhaul
part of 2.0.06 updates